The foodproof® Clostridium botulinum Detection LyoKit is based on real-time PCR technology, which is well-established in the food industry as a highly sensitive and specific detection method. The kit detects and identifies all of the human diseasecausing toxin types (A, B, E and F) in one multiplex PCR assay using melting curve analysis. This method is a superior alternative to other assays, including mouse bioassay.
Fast: Real-time PCR method, based on ISO/TS 17919.
Safe: Prevention of false-negative results by internal control and prevention of carry-over contamination using Uracil-NGlycosylase.
Comprehensive: Packages of sample preparation & detection kits, real-time PCR instruments & diagnostic software.
Easy: Convenient, complete solution including DNA extraction and real-time PCR analysis.
Experienced: Manufacturer of PCRbased rapid tests for the food industry since 1998 with an ISO 17025 accredited service lab.
Licensed: Fully licensed technology.