Growth Through Science… Since 1979
The unit measures the refraction of light generated between the prism surface and a liquid sample. The PRM-100α is upgraded from the PRM-85 in the following aspects:
• Wider than ever 0.0 to 100.00% Brix range
• Improved measurement accuracy: Brix ±0.05%, nD ±0.00010
• Two options for setting the minimum indication decimal place
• Simple two-piece construction: detection section and operation display section
• Easy-to-read color display panel.
Simply attach the unit to a piping system to monitor food or beverage production, pharmaceutical production, industrial fluid, washing devices, dilution/mixing devices, etc. Continuously monitor water content and mixing ratio with successive measurements of refractive index, Brix, or concentration.
*The prism is specially designed to prevent solid materials from collecting on the surface, even after extended periods of use.
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